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Shree Rang Avadhoot Maharaj

 1] Birth, Childhood and Education BIRTH OF SHREE RANG


There is a temple of Lord Vitthal on the bank of 'Ramsagar', a sprawling tank in Godhra (Gujarat). Shree Sakharani Sarpotdar! The owner of the temple, who was a friend of Vitthalpant, the father of Shree Rang, implored him to come down to Godhra and look after the management of the temple. Shree Vitthalpant acceded to the request of his friend, Sakharam Sarpotdar and left his native place Devle (District Sangameshvar, Maharashtra) for Godhra.

Born and brought up as a Brahman, Vitthalpant was educated in the traditional system of education prevalent in those days. He was well versed in the classical language Sanskrit and had studied Vedas and Upanishadas. Besides being a scholar he was indifferent towards mundane matters and was leading a religious life.

Rukmini, the mother of Shree Rang was the second wife of his father, Vitthalpant. She was the most faithful follower of her husband. She never craved for worldly riches and was rather intent upon advocating moral behavioral trends to the new generation.

Shree Rang, divinity in corporeal form was born of this pious couple - Vitthalpant and Rukmini on Monday, the 21 st November 1898.

It is said that before giving birth to Shree Rang, in the period of gestation, Rukmini had completed a course of one-lac circumambulations of the holy plant Tulasi.

Later on, as suggested by Sakharam Sarpotdar, the parents of Shree Rang christened their copper complexioned babe, Pandurang. And as such the full name of Shree Rang before leaving his home for the austere ascetic life was Pandurang Vitthal Valame.




Once, a funeral procession was passing by the street in front of the house of Shree Rang. The pallbearers were repeatedly and loudly saying ' Ram Bolo, Bhai Ram' (Brothers, take the name of the Lord Rama i.e. form habit of repeating the holy name-Rama, constantly). Some elderly women bitterly weeping were also going along the procession as its hinter-part.

The funeral procession was noticed by Shree Rang, who was yet a child. He was deeply shocked by the funereal scene and ran into the house. Curious to know about the procession, he caught hold of his father. Nay, he dragged his father to the front door of the house and pointing to the procession asked, " Daddy, what's," it?"

Father - Some one is dead.

Shree Rang - Who?

Father - The person, who is being carried by the four men on their shoulders.

Shree Rang - Where will they take him to '?

Father - To the crematorium.

Shree Rang - What's that place?

Father -All dead persons are burnt there.

Shree Rang-Why ---- but ---

Father - That's the only final disposal of the dead-bodies.

Vitthalpant, the father of Shree Rang thought a while about the prying nature of his son. He was sure that inquisitive Shree Rang would ' not stop asking questions, unless, the matter concerned, reached the end expected by him. So to avoid further volley of questions from him, Vitthalpant asked Shree Rang to go into the house.

Though Shree Rang obeyed his father; his mind was not free from the dismal incidence and had some queries lurking in his mind.

On the very next day another funeral procession was passing by the street and accidentally Shree Rang happened to see it. Restless and unsatisfied as he was to know something more about the cremation, he scurried into the house and said to his father, "Dad, today also --- someone is dead."

Father - Hum !

Shree Rang-Dad, how does a person die ?

Father - I don't know exactly. But it's certain----

Shree Rang ---- what ?

Father - Sooner or later everybody dies.

Shree Rang - will my mother ---- die ?

Father - Yes.

Shree Rang-Will she be burnt?

Father - No. Doubt.

Shree Rang - you - to -one day ---

Father - Surely. I 'II also be cremated after my death.

Shree Rang - Are you sure, Daddy, all --- all are destined to die one day or the other? Can't one avert death?

Thereupon, Vitthalpant, for sometime, looked passionately towards Shree Rang and caressing him said in a low voice, " My lad, one can conquer death."

"How " Bounced Shree Rang upon his father, and asked further, "How to conquer death ? Dad, be quick. Tell me. How, how to .......

"By reciting the name ------- Rama --- Constantly ". Interjected his father and said further, " By recitation of the holy name Rama, by heart, one attains immortality."

"Should I start to recite the name of the Lord Rama? "

"So far so good."

"Just from this moment I'll start to chant the holy name of Rama. "

Shree Rang, thence started to chant the name of the Lord Ram unfailingly.




In the month of February of the year 1903, plague was rampant in Godhra. Funerals, wailing and weeping of young and old, beating of chests by women, search for the affected persons, etc.was the dismal scene seen daily everywhere. The citizens were urged to leave the urban area for the far off places, especially to villages and farmlands. So in response to the promulgation from the authorities and to save itself from the-dreary disease, the family of Shree Vitthalpant Valame left Godhra for a village, named Govindi. Shree Rang was of five years old and Narayan, his younger brother was of three then.

Worship of Lord Shiv was going on in the family of Valame for years together. Therefore, Vitthalpant, the father of Shree Rang was glad to see a temple of Lord Shiv in Govindi. The temple was named as Khadgeshvar. The. temples of Lord Shiv are generally named after one of the epithets of the Lord i.e. Shiv. Before his mid-day meals, Vitthalpant started going to the temple to worship Lord Shiv daily.

One day Vitthalpant felt sickness. However, as per daily routine he went to the temple and began worshipping the Lord, as far as possible with composed mind. When he adored the Lord with a flower, it instantly slipped down from the Linga. (Lord Shiv is generally worshipped in the form of an oval-shaped stone. The consecrated stone is called Linga in Sanskrit and also in all other Indian languages.) Again he adjusted the flower on it; but it did not set there and fell down. The falling down of the flower from the Linga was taken as a bad omen by him.

On coming home, Vitthalpant narrated the whole incident to his wife, Rukmini. she too worried about it. But soon she gathered courage and told her husband to shed the thoughts of unthinkable disasters. And let loose the reins in the hands of Lord Vithoba.

Whenever, he was in trouble, Vitthalpant immediately used to contemplate on Lord Vithoba and was by then consoled and inspired by HIM to go ahead in proper directions. So at, that time also he fixed his mind upon Lord Vithoba and within few minutes he realised the presence of Lord Vithoba in front of his eyes. He was overjoyed to have a glimpse of the Lord. But at the next moment his joy turned into melancholy. Because Lord Vithoba did not appear facing him. It was the back of the Lord, which was seen by him. Such a rare and unexpected glimpse of the Lord shocked Vitthalpant. He felt sure that the unusual glimpse of the Lord certainly suggested his death.

Vitthalpant told Rukmini about the appearance of the Lord Vithoba and the meaning derived from it by him. And alas!, Leaving Shree Rang and Narayan to the care of Rukmini, Vitthalpant left the world on 11 -2 -1904.




The Thread-Ceremonies of Shree Rang and his younger brother Narayana were celebrated at Devle. Thereafter while returning to Godhra Rukmamba (Rukmini, the mother of Shree Rang was also known as Rukmamba), followed by her sister led the two lads to some of the sacred places in Maharashtra. In the course of the journey they visited

Narasobavadi. It is one of the noted places where he graces the devotees of Lord Dattatreya.

Late H.H. Vasudevanandasarasvati (1854 to 1914 A.D.) was at Narasobavadi, when this group visited the place. Therefore, Rukmamba took her two sons to pay their respects to Vasudevanandasarasvati. As soon as Shree Rang saw the great saint he could not hold back himself and started running towards the pious personality. Rukmaniba checked him as he was all dressed up. But he pushed on. Anyhow he was stopped by his mother and was asked to lie prostrate before H. H. Vasudevanandasarasvati without touching him. Shree Rang obeyed his mother.

"He is mine." Instantly said H.H Vasudevananda looking to Shree Rang.

All the people, present there, were astonished to hear the unexpected words from H.H. Vasudevanandasarasvati, a high dignitary in the field of spiritualism.

"To whom do you belong my lad? " Asked H.H. Vasudevananaasarasvati to Shree Rang.

To you only". Came the prompt reply from Shree Rang. He then bowed down in reverence to H.H. Vasudevanandasarasvati.

Thenceforth a series of thoughts emerged in the mind of Shree Rang. Do I really belong to H.H. Vasudevanandasarasvati? ------ Who is he? ------ What is my relation with H.H. Vasudevananda? Who am I? ----- Would he be my guide and guard in future? ----- What have I to owe him? ------ Etc.

Years passed by. Shree Rang was a schoolteacher then and had gone on a trip to the places on the bank of the Narmada, along with some of his friends. When these trippers were at Indravarna, a place opposite to that of Garudeshvar, lie had a dream in which H.H.Vasudevanandasarasvati appeared before hint and bade him to read ' Datta-Puran' for 108 times and thus he was blessed by his guru.



Once, Shree Rang, then a schoolboy was asked by his schoolteacher to purchase 500 grams of brinjals and carry them to his house.

The teacher, though sincere in his profession was habituated to send his students on errands and for petty purchases. This annoyed the students. But nobody could raise a voice against it. Shree Rang was also not spared by the teacher.

For some days Shree Rang tolerated the errands and sincerely obeyed the teacher. But soon he was provoked and planned to teach a lesson to the unscrupulous teacher.

When the said teacher told Shree Rang to purchase brinjals and gave him a rupee for the purpose; he did not exhibit any sign of disobedience and meekly left the school for the work entrusted to him. While on the way to the market Shree Rang thought that it was a good chance to do something in order to stop the recurrence.

On going to the market Shree Rang asked the greengrocer to give him brinjals, those were rotten and totally unworthy of cooking. A purchase was made for fifteen annas as Shree Rang was required to make provisions of one anna for the labour.

After the purchase the greengrocer mounted a sack full of the brinjals upon the head of a labourer. Shree Rang, further took the brinjals to the house of the teacher and said to the wife of the teacher, " Madam, your husband, my teacher has sent these brinjals. Please empty the sack as it is to be returned to the greengrocer "

The brinjals were poured out of the sack. The wife of the teacher was extremely astonished to see the rotten lot. Before she could pass any adverse remark about the brinjals, Shree Rang told her to keep quiet and left for the school.

Next day the teacher having learnt about the fact called Shree Rang and said, " What a nasty purchase! Valame, whence have you turned mischievous? "

" Believe me, sir, " said Shree Rang politely; I have high regards for you. But to get rid of your habit of sending students out of the school in school-hours for small works, deliberately I had purchased stinking brinjals. Forgive me, sir, I alone am responsible for this raw-deal."

The sober behavior of Shree Rang replaced the resultant odd feelings with large on the face of the teacher into a crease of smile.





















As a teenager Shree Rang was fond of playing on flute. His flute recital was quite capable of attracting the passersby. Especially off and on he was asked to play on his flute by his friends and school - mates and he tried his best to entertain them.

One day, as usual, when Shree Rang was playing on his flute a girl staying nearby came there. Paying no attention to the girl Shree Rang continued playing upon his flute. After a while he had a pause. At that time the girl suggested him to play a particular song on the flute. She said, "Please, play the song which I suggest. Won't you?"

"Why for? " countered Shree Rang.

" I like that song very much --- I mean when played on flute by you. " said the girl.

No answer came from Shree Rang.

"Play on for me, please " implored him the girl.

Shree Rang sat staring at her for a moment.

"Well, you can play any other song of your choice. I don't mind", said the girl with serenity.

No tune emanated from the flute of Shree Rang.

The girl a bit shocked by the discouraging attitude of Shree Rang asked pathetically, "Excuse me. Babu, Absolutely I have no suggestions for you . You may carry on playing any stray tunes and I'll enjoy them. I want you to play on the flute. That's all."

Shree Rang was stunned by her unexpected words.

The girl continued further, "I heartily like to listen to melodious tunes flowing from your flute when played by you."

Shree Rang once again looked at the girl and instantly broke the flute into pieces and ran into the house.




"Won't you help me ? "

"what's it uncle ? "

"I am to go outside the town for some official work. "

" May be."

"Please, therefore, you go to a religious function scheduled tomorrow. I'm invited there to recite "Vishnusaliasranam'. You go there and recite the hymn so long as the function goes on. "

"How nice ? Simply I'll go there and recite the holy hymn."

The above-mentioned conversation between Shree Rang and his maternal uncle only revealed that the latter was invited once to a 'Vishnuyag' and that he was entrusted the work of recitation of 'Vishnusahasranam' in that function.

As told by his maternal uncle, Shree Rang went to the function and did his work i. e. recitation of 'Vishnusahasranam'. He was already a sincere fallow and as such he began to recite tire hymn mindfully. His correct pronunciations, intonations, etc. attracted the other participants and visitors as well.

After a while one Brahman approached Shree Rang and said," "Dear boy, I'm allotted the work of offering oblations into the sacrificial fire. I am old. I can't bear the heat and smoke of the fire. Will you please, carry on my work? I'll recite the hymn for you. "

"Gladly. "Saying so Shree Rang changed his seat and work.

Within a very short time another Brahman said to Shree Rang, " Why did you accept this work? "

"What's harm in it? " Shree Rang.

"Quite innocent you are, " said the man further, "Don't you know that the Brahmans performing the oblations are paid 'Dakshina' less than those who recite ‘Vishnusahasranam’? I am sure, only to get more money that wicked chap must have requested you to do his work."

Shree Rang understood the point within no seconds. However, he said politely, "Dear Sir, more or less, I don't long for any 'Dakshina'. In fact, my maternal uncle was invited here to recite the hymn. But he had some other important work elsewhere; so to carry out his work I'm here. Moreover, to participate in such functions and that too for the purpose of getting some remuneration is not my profession for livelihood. Regardless of any comments Shree Rang continued his business of offering ablations into the sacrificial fire.




Shree Rang in his boyhood, once, had been out for a stroll. His schoolmate Hariprasad Desai accompanied him.

Unexpectedly these boys happened to see one cane lying by the roadside.

Pointing to the cane Hariprasad asked Shree Rang. "Can I take this."

"As no one is seen here; you may keep the cane with you." Shree Rang.

Hariprasad picked up the cane. Shree Rang observed that the cane was costly. He said, "Hari, undoubtedly, the owner of this cane must be a well-to-do person. "

"It seems so, " Hariprasad.

"If anybody is seen searching for it, we shall hand it over to him, " Shree Rang.

Then wielding the cane at their will Shree Rang and Hariprasad went ahead.

Few minutes later a man in a particular uniform (He was a peon of the Collector.) was seen coming from the opposite direction (that of these boys were going). It was apparent from his looks that he was in search of something.

As the man came closer to these boys he noticed the cane with them and burst aloud, "Halt, ye scamps. From where did you pick up this cane? Nay... You have stolen it. "

"Do you really mean that it is... stolen by us? How then it would have been displayed freely? " Shree Rang said without being aggressive.

But disregarding the serene behavior of Shree

Rang the arrogant man said in a dominating tone, " Return the cane, you knaves ; "

Vexed by the immoderate uttering of the man, Shree Rang sternly refused to return the cane. Thereupon the man got enraged and tried to snatch the cane from Shree Rang, but his attempts were foiled.

Shree Rang then asked the man, " May I know to whom this cane belongs?"

"It belongs to the Collector, " replied the man curtly.

"Well, we would like to see the Collector in person. Be sure we will hand over this cane to him all right. " Shree Rang.

Then the man led Shree Rang and Hariprasad to the Collector. Both the boys paid due respects to the Collector saying, 'Namaste'with folded hands.

The Collector was impressed by the unpretentious attitude of the boys and, greeted them cordially.

When the Collector saw his cane in the hands of Shree Rang his face shone with great delight. Impatiently he asked for the cane and Shree Rang promptly handed over it to him.

The Collector then said to the boys " I have been newly married and the cane is a gift from my mother-in-law to me. Therefore, indeed it is a precious thing for me. You have graciously brought it back to me intact so soon. Thanks, Boys, I am really pleased with you."

Afterwards the collector patted Shree Rang and Hariprasad and gave each one four annas as an acknowledgement. As a mark of respect to the Collector Shree Rang and Hariprasad accepted the coins.




Rukmamba, the mother of Shree Rang was, once, chopping up brinjals for cooking. Shree Rang who was in his boyhood, happened to come at that time in the kitchen. He saw the brinjals and asked', "Mother, at what rate are these purchased ? "

"The price is not yet known. " replied Rukmamba, "One lady in our neighbourhocd has given us these brinjals."

"How's that ?"

"The lady is our well-wisher." Rukamaba.

"But it does not imply that our neighbours should take pity on us and dole out such petty things to US."

"Not exactly so, Babu. We have good relations with our neighbours and for the very reason that they help us in this way. "Rukmamba vainly tried to convince Shree Rang of the support she could get from the neighbours.

"But mother......

"Why do you take this vegetable as alms ?" Nimble

Rukmamba continued, " Sooner or later I' m certainly going to pay for these brinjals. I have such dealings with that lady since your father has left this world. "

"Excuse me, mother, " said Shree Rang soberly, "I know that we are not an affluent family. And since the death of my father we have been facing hard days. But it doesn't mean that we should be prone to accept any help at any time from anybody."

Rukmamba had no comments. She was listening to Shree Rang with composed mind.

"My dear mother, mind well. We, your sons are a progeny of a lion. We will never succumb to such uninvited sympathy."

"But our present condition….' Rukmamba.

"For the world we may be penniless and helpless. But is that all?" Trying to console his mother he said further, Infact, we are not poor or helpless. The Almighty, who sustains the whole universe, I am sure, is not the least unkind to us."

Hearing these words of, Om Shree Rang, the eyes of Rukmamba shone brightly. She also felt elated by the faith put in God by young Shree Rang who was, to be in his teens.

"Mother," said Shree Rang softly " please, henceforth don't accept such type of sundry things from anybody. God is bound to maintain our family appropriately. "



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